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Changelog Update 12/18/2023

Changelog Update 12/18/2023

Collin Schneider
Collin SchneiderDecember 4, 2023

Welcome to the inaugural Swishjam changelog! We're excited to give you regular updates of product announcements and improvements through this channel.

We launched our first version of reports!

In its current state, you're able to subscribe to your important high level KPIs in a few clicks, and receive them directly in your relevant Slack channels. This feature will be evolving quickly, with plans to make it more customizable, and receive reports in all the different mediums you prefer. reports-demo.gif

Custom dashboards now support more advanced query options.

You can now accomplish things like calculating metrics by summing, averaging, and more. We also now support grouping events by users so you have a simple way of knowing who your most active users are. custom-dashboards.gif

We now support Intercom as a data source.

When you connect your Intercom account to Swishjam, we automatically import your chat and support events into Swishjam, which means you can create dashboards, event triggers, and more with your Intercom data. As we do with all of our integrations, we also intelligently stitch your Intercom events to your Swishjam user profiles, so you can maintain your 360 degree customer view of everything your customer does. You can get started by simply authorizing Intercom on the integrations view in your Swishjam account. intercom.png

Other improvements:

  • Added UTM-related charts to the web analytics dashboard
  • Added Gravatar profile images to the user profile image when they are present
  • Save the user's original referrer and landing page to their user profile (more to come on this later)
  • Improved how we handle revenue data in financial charts

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